Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"It feels like a dog licking my foot"

 While I was looking for cute things to do for Thanksgiving I ran across a really cute hand and foot print turkey. Feeling very ambitious I decided we were going to do this on a t-shirt. In my excitement I started asking parents to bring in a shirt for us to decorate and also in all that excitement I forgot to think about how we were actually going to do this. There are 14 children and all of them will have acrylic paint on their hands and feet at some point, inside the classroom, and I already have too many grey hairs on my head as it is. Oh and did I mention it was picture day?! How in the world could we do this in a orderly fashion? Well this is what we came up with...

First we do all the hand prints next to the sink for easy access then...

 Line them up in chairs...

Next go down the row one foot at a time being sure Ms. Kelly was right behind me ready to wipe each foot clean as soon as it was stamped.

The process was a little hard on the back...and knees...and pre-kinder's attention span but it worked great!

We didn't end up with a drop of paint on the floor. Amazing!! Even the director was a little impressed when she stopped by to see how things were going.

The foot painting process was compared to the feeling of being "licked by a dog on the foot" by one of the children and others couldn't get a word out it tickled so much.

And here is the finished project!!!!!


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