Sunday, January 22, 2012


The holiday season is always a blur for me but my goodness! Now that I am blogging (really new and not too great yet) I can really see how long I have been away. So this will be one long catch post. We are in out Arctic Animals theme this month and we are covering the people, the animals and the homes that you would find in the arctic. Here is our temporary Igloo with the tissue paper fire...

We learned that the Inuit or Eskimos sometimes have to cut a hole in the ice to fish so we have ice fishing available in our dramatic play area and also have a drying rack set up for the Eskimos to hang their fish after catching them.

We tried to bring the theme out to the patio too so we put our figurines in dry cornstarch, I mean snow.

Our Arctic Toob in the snow (cornstarch)

The kids are getting really good with their beginning sounds and they have lots of practice with them as we make lists, charts and copy our picture "flash cards" to make our very own books.  We do a cooking activity each week and this is our first week's activity, Iceberg Jello. We learned that we only see a part of the iceberg because so much of it is under the water.
Iceberg Jello

We created our own puzzles by using pictures of the arctic and cutting it into a puzzle. These puzzles were way harder for the kids than I imagined though.

 And my favorite of the whole month...
 The Milk Jug Igloo! We lined up the milk jugs and counted, wrote our count (or estimate) and in the end looked at the info to see who was the closest. After the counting I started construction.
 Its only about 1/3 of the the way but this is what we have so far!!


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