Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Let's Seuss it all up here

 Because I have been gone for so long I decided one post with a lot of random unrelated pictures should do the trick.
 We did some of the classics, Green Eggs and Ham, Cat in the Hat, and The Lorax, and one that not as many have heard of The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins. The latter is on of my favs. It is one, of two books that Seuss wrote, that doesn't rhyme.  The kids thoroughly enjoyed this unit and I can't wait until I get to do it again.

 We made our Green Eggs and Ham of course and a thaumatrope of "Sam I Am" and a plate of green eggs and ham which when twirled come together to create a single image. The kids loved saying optical illusion and I loved hearing them try to say it.

In "The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins" the boy ends up guessed it...500 hats. The closer he got to 500 the fancier the hats got so we created our own fancy hats.The kids loved that they got to put their own glitter on :)
We finished our unit with "The Lorax" and here is our edible creation slightly resembling The Lorax. It's a baked potato, sour cream to hold all the ingredients on, shredded cheddar cheese for the mustache and olives for the eyes. Some stick pretzels would have been great for the arms and legs, I know for next time.

And My favorite of the bunch... Our salt dough Loraxes. Because of time issues I hot glued the letters for UNLESS for the children and they were able to paint them and the Lorax they made however they wanted. Its a treasure I hope they all remember!!!

Here are those random things I was talking about...

After Valentine's Day we had plenty of heart candies left. I'm sure I wasn't alone in this predicament, so we graphed them. The kids are starting to get this graphing thing, just in time too because I smell jelly beans in the near future!!

We made some really cute "Love Bug" head bands (that's whats written by the lovely model of course)  and a quick snapshot of our Valentine's Party.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Love is in the Air!!

We like all the other people in the world are getting ready for our Valentines party. We always make something that hte paretns will love and keep forever (with all the other stuff they keep of course) and I ran across this idea. I cannot remember where I saw it and I feel so bad, I want to give credit where due so message me if you know!! We had fun drawing our faces and adding hair like ours, gluing hearts and counting too.

 We decorated large cans for our Valentine Mailboxes and here is our Valentine project in out mailbox.
 In the meantime we had to do something "educational" lol so we did some rhyming wheels to tie in with our Dr. Seuss unit. The kids did better than I could have ever dreamed and they could read the words when they finished. The parents were pretty impressed.
Well now I have to finish preparing for the Valentine's Day Party tomorrow...Pics of the party coming soon!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Will the time ever slow down?!

I feel like I have been in a whirl wind since Thanksgiving. Hopefully after Valentine's day things will finally slow down.

This month is our LOVE for Literacy month. We chose to do a different Dr. Seuss book each week and this week we chose Fox in Socks.

We made some bluey gooey, using this recipe but we used apple sauce and pureed canned pears and didn't add the sugar. It turned out fabulous. (my camera is well...not lost...just not where I thought I put it, so no pics for this :(

We also made a rhyming wheel and it went better than I even thought it would. My kids are reading their words!! We put the beginning letter on the lines on the wheel and then put it together and the kids actually read the words. I am so super impressed. (pics are coming)

Our Post Office is going well in Dramatic Play. Last week the kids could write whatever they wanted and throw it in an envelope and call it a letter. This week they had to ADDRESS the envelope it to someone and sign their name on the letter. Next week they will have to address the letter to someone and put a Return Address on the envelope and address the letter and sign too. They are learning so much!

We just started our Valentine's craft and I can't wait to put that up!

Goodby to a busy week and welcome to a busy weekend!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

We're going Seuss-y!!

 We started Dr. Seuss! This week we focused on Cat in the Hat. We did a number game where we pulled a number from the cup, wrote the number and drew that many stripes on the hat.

Then we made our very own hats and had a parade! The kid did so well. They decided how many stripes to cut and glued them on all on their own. They loved it! We marched through the school and other classes and then outside around the school. The Elementary school across the street had some children on the playground and my kids were convinced the elementary kids loved and wanted their hats.
Children used any space they could find.