Thursday, February 9, 2012

Will the time ever slow down?!

I feel like I have been in a whirl wind since Thanksgiving. Hopefully after Valentine's day things will finally slow down.

This month is our LOVE for Literacy month. We chose to do a different Dr. Seuss book each week and this week we chose Fox in Socks.

We made some bluey gooey, using this recipe but we used apple sauce and pureed canned pears and didn't add the sugar. It turned out fabulous. (my camera is well...not lost...just not where I thought I put it, so no pics for this :(

We also made a rhyming wheel and it went better than I even thought it would. My kids are reading their words!! We put the beginning letter on the lines on the wheel and then put it together and the kids actually read the words. I am so super impressed. (pics are coming)

Our Post Office is going well in Dramatic Play. Last week the kids could write whatever they wanted and throw it in an envelope and call it a letter. This week they had to ADDRESS the envelope it to someone and sign their name on the letter. Next week they will have to address the letter to someone and put a Return Address on the envelope and address the letter and sign too. They are learning so much!

We just started our Valentine's craft and I can't wait to put that up!

Goodby to a busy week and welcome to a busy weekend!


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